Lunar realaAre there any cosmetics compromises?


I compromised everything

What is a compromise in cosmetics
I was (in the past tense).

✔️ Cleanser
✔️ Toner
✔️ Moisturizer
✔️ Essence
✔️ Foundation
✔️ Lip

Everything was compromised (laughs)

The skin becomes rough.
The skin is sticky.
The skin dries.
The skin is taut.

I thought it was normal.

Now, from all safe materials without compromise
You can now make it yourself.

Until I met JMAA
How can you make proper cosmetics yourself?
I didn't even think about it.

Moreover, it is easy to make.
Some people laugh because it's too easy (laughs)

From the person who became a QOL planner instructor the other day
I received a nice email! (Approved by the person who posted it)

"Mr. Sugawara

Today I made my own lotion and milky lotion for the first time since I took the course ~ ♡
I am very happy that it is easy to do.
As for the process of how to make it, I do not put the concrete method such as the base material and how to make it.
Is it okay to upload photos to Instagram?
I was so happy that I wanted to be on it.
I look forward to working with you. "

It's nice to be able to easily make it yourself ♡
Please post on Instagram (^^)

He also sent me a photo of lavender water and milky lotion ♡

It's a nice photo.
Thank you for your support for applying for the course from Instagram!

And newly,
QOL planner instructor was born.
Congratulations ♡

QOL Planner is a JMAA Certified Business Instructor.
I'm looking forward to it from now on.

"Make cosmetics just for yourself"

While consulting with your skin condition
While thinking about the condition of the skin at that time

Basic cosmetics
Foundation too

What you can make yourself is the best luxury ♡

Dialogue with your skin is important.


Lunar reala

Every day's energy comes from a smile.

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